Year 4F: Galleries
Science- Reptiles LIVE Lesson, by Mrs Westerby
Maths- Fractions on a Number Line, by Mrs Westerby
Science- Mad Science Experiments, by Mrs Westerby
Science- Bee Eyecare Aware, by Mrs Westerby
Geography- Biomes, by Mrs Westerby
English- Come to circus! Persuasive texts., by Mrs Westerby
RE- Judaism- Sedar Plate, by Mrs Westerby
English- Koji's Island- Persuasive Arguments, by Mrs Westerby
English- Koji's Island- Role Plays, by Mrs Westerby
English- Escape from Pompeii- Role play, by Mrs Westerby
French- Classroom Objects, by Mrs Westerby
English- Counting on Katherine, by Mrs Westerby
History- Anglo-Saxons, by Mrs Westerby
Science- State of Matter (Solids, liquids and gases), by Mrs Westerby
17.01.23 (PSHE) Job roles, by Miss Wood
English- cooking/nutrition 05.12.22, by Miss Fagan
Guided Reading 02.11.22, by Miss Fagan
English 8.11.22, by Miss Fagan
Religious Education- Tuesday 18th October 2022, by Miss Timms
Maths - Friday 14th October 2022, by Miss Timms
Science - Thursday 13th October 2022, by Miss Timms
Maths - Wednesday 12th October 2022, by Miss Timms
Guided Reading - Wednesday 12th October 2022, by Miss Timms
PSHE - Wednesday 12th October 2022, by Miss Timms