Year 4F 2024 - 2025
Mrs Westerby
Miss Wood
Teacher: Mrs Westerby
Teaching Assistant: Miss Walker
Hello and welcome to our 4F web page. Myself and Miss Walker are looking forward to a fantastic year in Year 4 with lots of exciting topics ahead. We can't wait to provide an encouraging, enriching and exciting education to the children and look forward to watching them grow in their ability and confidence as they progress throughout the year. We will be supporting the children to develop both their cooperative and independent learning skills, whilst following our school rules of ready, respectful and safe and positively encouraging fantastic behaviour to create a calm and optimistic learning environment. To keep you up to date with all that is happening at school, we aim to communicate via the website, Class Dojo, email and text message. Please make sure school has your most current details.
Important dates and things to remember:
Reading books: To be taken home and brought in daily. Books are issued based on half termly scores achieved on Accelerated Reader. Children should read for at least twenty minutes each day. Planners are to be signed by an adult to show the child has read.
Planners: Each child has their own planner to be brought into school daily. Their planner will be used for a range of things, including but not limited to: spellings, reading books, communication from school and test scores. There will be prize draws for children who have their planners signed and in school each day.
Homework: Currently, homework is issued on a Thursday, to be completed by the following Tuesday. Logins will be recorded in planners.
Spellings: Spellings will be given weekly and can be practised at home on the spelling record sheet and on spelling shed. Spelling tests will take place every Thursday.
P.E: Children will take part in PE every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school including appropriate footwear.
Swimming: Will take place every Thursday afternoon beginning September 12th. Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit (towel/hat and costume or trunks) every Friday. Goggles can only be worn with a doctors note.
Files to Download
Year 4F: News items
Information for parents: multiplication tables check., by Miss Wood
Road Safety Week, by Mrs McKeever
Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs McKeever
Year 4F: Galleries items
RE- Judaism- Sedar Plate, by Mrs Westerby
English- Koji's Island- Persuasive Arguments, by Mrs Westerby
English- Koji's Island- Role Plays, by Mrs Westerby
Year 4F: Events items
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell
Y3 visit Ribchester Museum, by Miss Howell
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell