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Remote Education

Children don't have to stop learning just because they aren't at school. Please use the links below to help our children continue their learning outside of the classroom.

Pike Fold children have access to a number of subscription based services that children can access from any device e.g. laptops and tablets. All logins will have been sent home and stored in their individual planners.

If you are having difficulty accessing the learning because you do not have an appropriate device or Internet data, please speak with school.

Purple Mash 

Spelling Shed - Spelling games with spelling lists set by the teacher

Century Learning - Uses AI technology to provide a personalised learning journey.

Times Table Rockstars - Children from Year 1 - Year 6 can access times tables practice via online games

Monster SATs - Year 6 children can access practice papers and online games. - Children from Year 2 - 6 can access punctuation and grammar tests

Developing Experts - Complete science curriculum resource

Accelerated Reader - The page to take your book quizzes

Reading Plus - Year 5 children can access an adaptive literacy solution that improves fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation.

Free resources:

BBC Bitesize Daily

The Oak National Academy 

Find Us:

Pike Fold Primary School

Old Market Street, Blackley, M9 8QP

0161 702 3669

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