EYFS Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFS Statutory Framework has changed and is effective from September 2021. The areas of learning remain the same but the content has changed.
To find out more about the new EYFS Statutory Framework, please see the document below.
Our EYFS setting
We are proud of our unique setting and spend a lot of time and effort planning the provision for the children. The team work hard to ensure that the Unit is a warm, welcoming, safe and happy place to ensure that the children have fun whilst learning in the play provision. Our unit is unique in the fact that all 112 children share one indoor and outdoor space. The EYFS team provide a stimulating and enriching learning environment inclusive of all children, where they can explore, experiment and create through well planned, play based activities and experiences which reflect their diverse needs and interests in partnership with parents and carers. Our unique setting may be overwhelming for some children, please ensure you have viewed the EYFS unit on our open days. Please note acceptance to our school does not automtically give a resource provision place.
Curriculum content and planning
The EYFS is the framework for learning for children from Birth to 5 years old. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. The early years is where our children begin to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding, creating a firm foundation for learning which they build upon as they move up the school. Our children are nurtured and supported to develop the characteristics of effective learning: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development: All the children's learning takes places using a cross curricular approach. It is good EYFS practice for the children to learn in the specific areas of
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
through the prime areas of
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
We plan all independent play provision and adult led learning.
At Pike Fold all one hundred and twelve children in our EYFS unit follow a two-year rolling program. This is taught through pre-defined half-termly topics, although children’s own interests are also followed, developed and addressed in planning and outcomes. Each topic has texts allocated that are taught. Below are the two cycles that show the topics and texts we use.
As mentioned, none of the EYFS Areas of Learning and Development can be taught in isolation, and also overlap with the National Curriculum subjects taught at Key Stage 1. Staff carefully plan, teach and evaluate areas that best relate to the topic, interest or skill being developed. Each of the Prime and Specific Areas are then broken down into specific aspects with developmental statements relating to each area. Children develop at their own rates, and in their own ways, so these developmental statements and their order should not be taken as necessary steps for individual children. They should not be used as checklists. Within our EYFS unit we seek to enhance our curriculum with quality outdoor provision in our newly designed and installed playground.
EYFS and Year 1
Our EYFS unit (Nursery and Reception children) and Year 1 unit follow an EYFS model.
The EYFS is based upon four principles:
- A Unique Child
- Positive Relationships
- Enabling Environments
- Learning and Development
Pupils follow a topic-based, cross-curricular approach centred on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum / Early Years Outcomes. This is extended into Key Stage 1 for those pupils who have not yet reached the Early Learning Goals. The National Curriculum is also incorporated. Pupils follow the seven areas of Learning and Development as outlined in the Early Years Statutory Framework incorporating the National Curriculum. None of the seven areas can be delivered in isolation from the others. They are equally important and depend on each other. All areas are delivered through a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities. In each area there are Early Learning Goals (ELGs) that define the age related expectations children may reach by the end of the EYFS. However, for those children at Pike Fold that do not reach them by the end of EYFS they are continued in Year 1 alongside the National Curriculum. A great emphasis is put on experiential learning and learning through discovery, led by the child him/herself where possible. However children also have whole class and small group teacher led activities based around the teaching of the main areas of development. All children’s experiences are recorded using photographs, video and evidence of work, where possible. Much of this may be presented in a pupil’s Learning journey, in Year 1 this is continued for those pupils who have not reached the ELGs alongside their academic books.
Please find information attached below about our Brush Bus scheme to help improve dental hygiene.