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Year 5F 2024 - 2025

Mr Young

Miss Stringfellow


Teacher: Mr Young

Teaching Assistant:  Mrs Phelan

Important things to remember:

Homework: Set every Friday and to be returned by the following Tuesday. Homework is primarily set online and will be monitored weekly. For paper/written homework tasks, please work hard to ensure the quality and presentation of your child's homework matches expectations set in class. 

Spellings: There will be weekly spellings sent home which relate to the national curriculum expectations for Year 5. Please ensure that these are worked on before the spelling test on a Tuesday.

Planners: Planners are to be brought in daily. Planners will be used for a range of things, including, but not limited to, spellings, reading book updates, communication to and from school and test scores. Reading books: Any and all reading is encouraged at home. Children should be reading for 20 minutes every day. Please ensure planners are updated and signed daily, recording your child's book & pages read. Keep an eye out for our reading initiatives this year!

Online learning platforms: Children can access school's online learning platforms using their login cards located in their planners. These platforms support the learning objectives taught in Year 5. Children are encouraged to use these platforms to practise their learning objectives outside of school. Times Tables: Please make sure your child is regularly working on their times tables fluency at home through TTRS. This is a key requirement for all children at this age and impacts highly on their daily maths work.

PE: Children will need a full PE kit in school everyday. Our PE days are Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Class Dojo: Please ensure you are connected to Class Dojo as this is our primary communication tool. Updates, messages and photos will be posted regularly! 



Files to Download

Year 5F: News items

Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs McKeever

#HelloYellow Day, by Mrs McKeever

Social Impact Schools Award, by Mrs McKeever

Year 5F: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 5F: Events items

Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell

Y3 visit Ribchester Museum, by Miss Howell

Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell

Find Us:

Pike Fold Primary School

Old Market Street, Blackley, M9 8QP

0161 702 3669

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