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Year 3F 2024 - 2025

Miss Fagan

Miss Gaskill

Year 3 | Hollymount School

We would like to welcome children and parents to our 3F webpage.  We are very excited to start the academic year with such a wonderful class and we can’t wait to provide a fantastic learning experience for our pupils.  We encourage partner and team work and as well as focusing on academic progress we ensure that our pupils are provided with the skills and knowledge to help them become fabulous little people! 

We very much like to work as a team with parents and enjoy sharing learning with you by using our Class Dojo App.  Please check this app daily for examples of classwork and activities that are taking place in our classroom and around the school.  

In 3F we have high expectations for learning and behaviour and children who go over and above will be recognised and celebrated.  Let’s all work together and ensure pupils can achieve anything they choose to!

Things to remember:

Homework:  This will be the same every week and it will be completed on our online platforms.

In 3F we value any additional opportunity to enhance our learning and completing homework provides a great opportunity to consolidate learning that has taken place in the classroom.  Please encourage children to make themselves proud and complete tasks in the allocated timeframe.

Maths:  This year children will be using Times Table Rockstars.  Logins will be recorded in planners.

Spellings: Spellings will be given weekly and can be practised at home on the spelling record sheet and on spelling shed.

Reading books:  Reading books will be allocated based on half termly accelerated reading scores.  Planners should be signed by an adult each day to show that children have read.

Children should be reading for at least 10 minutes every evening.  This can be to an adult, to a sibling or even out loud to the family pet!  Reading for this amount of time every day helps to enhance vovabulary, improves writing and provides children with the opportunity to make excellent progress in their reading this academic year. 

P.E. : This year we will have PE every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that children have the appropriate kit available.  This should stay in our classroom cupboard for the half term and will be sent home for the holidays.


Files to Download

Year 3F: News items

Road Safety Week, by Mrs McKeever

Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs McKeever

#HelloYellow Day, by Mrs McKeever

Year 3F: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 3F: Galleries items

Year 3F: Events items

Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell

Y3 visit Ribchester Museum, by Miss Howell

Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell

Find Us:

Pike Fold Primary School

Old Market Street, Blackley, M9 8QP

0161 702 3669

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