Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Graham
Mr Pitts
Teaching Assistants: Miss Taylor, Miss Frances, Miss Dunne and Mr Reece (interventions)
A warm welcome our web page from the whole Year 6 team. We are very much looking forward to experiencing exciting new learning opportunities for our pupils. In Year 6 we focus on academic progress and the wider learning that it takes to become ready for high school.
We would like to share as many experiences as possible from school and encourage parents to download the ClassDojo app where you can see updates of your child's learning and experiences. Please comment and like any posts you see from either Mr Graham or Mr Pitts.
In Year 6 we have very high expectations for learning and behaviour and we celebrate those children who are always ready, respectful and safe. Let's work together and realise every child's potential.
Important dates and things to remember:
Homework: Homework is given out every Friday to be returned by the following Friday. If your child needs help with homework please do not hesitate to ask on Monday morning. Homework will be sent out via Century Learning online. If your child cannot access the Internet, please ask for a paper copy of homework.
Please ensure that your child has adequate time to complete homework. This provides pupils with a consolidation of their learning in class and will help with their overall progress in school. Please encourage your child to make themselves feel proud about the presentation of their homework.
Spellings: Up to 20 spellings will be sent home in children's planners every Friday to be tested the following week. Pupils' scores will be recorded and shared with parents wherever possible. Spellings can learnt anywhere: on the bus, in the car or even as a fun game!
Reading books: All children should have an Accelerated Reader book. Children will have a level that is determined by their reading test scores. It is essential that children read as much as possible at home and as thoroughly as possible before they take a quiz on their book. When children consistently score well in Accelerated Reader quizzes, their book level will increase.
Children should be reading for at least 20 minutes every evening. This can be to an adult, to a sibling or even out loud to the family pet! Reading for this amount of time every day helps to enhance vovabulary, improves writing and provides children with the opportunity to make excellent progress in their reading this academic year.
Planners: Every child has a planner in which they can record homework, spellings and other important messages from school. Please sign your child's planner daily to show that they have been reading at home. Pupils' planners will be signed each week. Please feel free to write a message in your child's planner if you wish to get in touch.
P.E.: Year 6 have PE on Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
Files to Download
Year 6: News items
Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs McKeever
#HelloYellow Day, by Mrs McKeever
Social Impact Schools Award, by Mrs McKeever
Year 6: Events items
Y3 visit Ribchester Museum, by Miss Howell
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell
Early finish for all pupils, by Mrs Lees