COVID-19 Home Learning - January 2021
From Wednesday 6th January we will be open for face-to-face teaching for children of key workers, those with EHC plans and others that fall under special circumstances. For all other children, we will move to the online provision that we have been using since September.
All learning will take place remotely. Teachers will be uploading lessons every day to Google Classroom (or to Class Dojo for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children). There will also be a live meeting/lesson every day.
The children continue to have access to their online learning websites - Spelling Shed, TTRS, Numbots, Purple Mash, Mathletics, Sora.
It is really important that all children take part in their online learning every day. Please ring the school office as you would usually do if your child is unwell and will not be able to take part in online learning that day.
If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children and will provide paper packs of learning. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (eg, laptops) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Parents will be reminded to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning. Paper copies will still be available.