Year 2F 2024 - 2025
Mrs Doran
Mrs McDonald
Teacher: Mrs Doran
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clarke and Ms Dunn
Days to remember:
Monday - PE kits needed
Tuesday - Homework to be complete and reading books to be handed in
Thursday - Phonics words/Spellings sent home
Reading books sent home.
Homework set online
PE Kits needed
Useful information
Homework: All homework will be set online using Spelling Shed/Numbots/TTRS/Purple Mash. These will be set on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.
Reading books: Sent home every Thursday, to be returned the following Tuesday. Your child will bring home:
- A guided reading book which they will have been reading with an adult throughout the week in school.
- A phonics book (easy reader) which they should be able to read independently.
- A library book which is for enjoyment. This book is not to be read by your child but to be read by an adult/older sibling as a model for reading.
Planners: Planners are to be brought into school every day and taken home every night. Please record comments about your child's reading in the reading achievements section. Complete for all three books.
P.E.: Indoor PE is every Monday and outdoor PE is every Thursday. Please ensure your child has the correct kit in school everyday, including appropriate footwear.
Kit is: black shorts, gold/white t-shirt
Class Dojo: Please ensure you are connected via Class Dojo as this is our easiest communication tool. Updates, messages and photos will be posted regulary about what is going on in Year 2.
If you have any questions, issues or need to get in touch, please message on Class Dojo or speak to me at the school gates after school.
Many thanks
Mrs Doran
Files to Download
Year 2F: News items
Road Safety Week, by Mrs McKeever
Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs McKeever
#HelloYellow Day, by Mrs McKeever
Year 2F: Galleries items
Year 2F: Events items
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell
Y3 visit Ribchester Museum, by Miss Howell
Uniform Shop 3.15-4.15pm, by Miss Howell