Contact Details
Most of your queries will be dealt with by Miss Howell in the office, she will be able to direct you to anyone else who you may need to speak to.
Pike Fold Primary School
Old Market Street
M9 8QP
Tel: 0161 702 3669
Data Access Requests
If you require access to any data, in the first instance please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing Please DO NOT send access requests to our admin email address.
Requests for paper copies
If you require any of the information contained on the website as a paper copy please contact Miss Howell in the office who will be able to help you, using the contact details above.
Useful Contacts:
Please use the school address or telephone number, or the email address detailed below to contact any of the following people:
Headteacher - Mrs R. Farnell-Hill -
Chair of Governors - Mr S. Harper -
Clerk of Governors- Ali Hussain
SENCo - Mrs J. McKeever -