Year 1: Galleries
Science - planting cress seeds, by Ms Taylor
Breakfast with Santa, by Mrs McKeever
Winter Wonderland at Pike Fold, by Mrs McKeever
Magic Breakfasts in Action!, by Miss Nickson
Pike Fold Primary School would like to pass on a message..., by Mrs McKeever
Breakfast with Santa, by Miss Nickson
KS1 Christmas Carol Concert, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..., by Mrs McKeever
Remembrance Day , by Miss Gates
Year 1 African Mask Painting and Diya Lamp painting, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
Year 1 trip to Whitworth Art Gallery, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
Year 1 Maths - 2D shapes, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
Year 1 Maths - Number bonds, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
Year 1 Maths - Place Value, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
Year 1 at Summer Fun Day , by Miss Hancock
Year 1 trip to Buy Art Museum, by Miss Hancock
Bee Manchester , by Miss Gates
Year 1 Trip to Blackpool Zoo, by Miss Hancock
Year 1 Fruit Salads, by Miss Hancock
Ready, Steady, Go workshops, by Miss Hancock