Year 1: Galleries
03.11.22 LO: Can I select from a range of tool and equipment to make a cup and ball game?, by Ms Taylor
02.11.22 - LO: Can I sort old and new toys?, by Ms Taylor
01.11.22 LO: Can I play an instrument?, by Ms Taylor
29.09.22 Can I discuss what a plant needs to grow?, by Miss Waugh
30.09.22 Can I complete a sensory walk, smelling and tasting fruit and vegetables related to our story?, by Miss Waugh
6.10.22 Tactics and Defence (PE), by Miss Wood
16.09.22 - Can I represent numbers from 1-10?, by Ms Taylor
14.09.22 - Can I change direction?, by Ms Taylor
13.09.22 - Can I group objects?, by Ms Taylor
07.09.22 - Can I play tuned and untuned instruments?, by Ms Taylor
Book and a Brew 23/06/22, by Mr Johnson
19.05 - Can I play tuned instruments musically?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
16.05 - LO: Can I use my voice expressively and creatively by singing songs?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
28.04.22 - Can I solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using arrays?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
26.04.22 - Can I solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
22.4.22 - Can I measure and begin to record capacity and volume?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper
21.4.22 Math - Can I measure and begin to record capacity and volume?, by Mrs Lovatt-Cooper