Year 3P: Galleries
Growth Mindset, by Miss Gaskill
English - Poetry, by Miss Gaskill
Science - Soils, by Miss Gaskill
PE - Tag Rugby, by Miss Gaskill
17.01.23 (PSHE) Job roles, by Miss Wood
English - Different Perspectives, by Miss Gaskill
Maths 16/1/23, by Mrs Doran
Maths 11/1/23, by Mrs Doran
English - Hook Lesson, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Making our photo frames, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Photo frames, by Miss Gaskill
English - Planning Instructions, by Miss Gaskill
Science - Forces, by Miss Gaskill
French - Classroom Objects, by Miss Gaskill
Maths 24/11/22, by Mrs Doran
PE 22/11/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 17/11/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 14/11/22, by Mrs Doran
English - Using a Thesaurus to Find Synonyms, by Miss Gaskill
Maths 8/11/22, by Mrs Doran
PE 8/11/22, by Mrs Doran
History - Religious Beliefs in the Iron Age, by Miss Gaskill
History - Hillforts in the Iron Age, by Miss Gaskill