Year 3P: Galleries
Maths - Flexible Partitioning on a Place Value Chart, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Pneumatic Systems, by Miss Gaskill
Sharing our writing in KS2, by Mr Johnson
English - Punctuating Speech, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Angles and Turns, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Lines, by Miss Gaskill
RE - Features of a Church, by Miss Gaskill
Book and a Brew 23/06/22, by Mr Johnson
DT - Bread tasting, by Miss Gaskill
Geography - Using an atlas to locate countries, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Telling the time in one minute intervals, by Miss Gaskill
Science - Parts of flowering plants, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Telling the time to one minute intervals, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Telling the time to the nearest five minutes, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Recap on telling the time, by Miss Gaskill
English - Fronted adverbials and time connectives, by Miss Gaskill
English - Roman Hook, by Miss Gaskill
Maths - Comparing and ordering in fractions, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Friendships, by Miss Gaskill
History - The Roman Army, by Miss Gaskill
English - Expanded Noun Phrases, by Miss Gaskill
English - Diary/ Roman hook, by Miss Gaskill
PSHE - Stereotypes, by Miss Gaskill
Art - Sculptures, by Miss Gaskill
English - Apostrophes for Contraction, by Miss Gaskill