Year 3F: Galleries
Maths 24/11/22, by Mrs Doran
PE 22/11/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 17/11/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 14/11/22, by Mrs Doran
Science 10/11/22, by Mrs Doran
French 9/11/22, by Mrs Doran
English - Using a Thesaurus to Find Synonyms, by Miss Gaskill
Maths 8/11/22, by Mrs Doran
DT 21/10/22, by Mrs Doran
PE 8/11/22, by Mrs Doran
French 19/10/22, by Mrs Doran
French 13/10/22, by Mrs Doran
Autumn 1 - Netball, by Miss Gaskill
French 14/9/22, by Mrs Doran
English 12/9/22, by Mrs Doran
DT 8/9/22, by Mrs Doran
PSHE 6/9/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths - Column addition with exchanging, by Miss Gaskill
6.10.22 Tactics and Defence (PE), by Miss Wood
English 11/07/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 11/07/22, by Mrs Doran
English 04/07/22, by Mrs Doran
Maths 30/06/22, by Mrs Doran
RE 24/07/22, by Mrs Doran
Book and a Brew 23/06/22, by Mr Johnson