: Galleries
Maths - 100's, 10's and 1's, by Miss Gaskill
English - Expanded Noun Phrases, by Miss Gaskill
English, by Miss Gaskill
DT - Pneumatic Forces, by Miss Gaskill
Science 3rd November 2021 LO: Can I identify and compare the suitability of materials for different uses?, by Mr Gardom
Science 6th October 2021 LO: Can I identify and compare the transparency of different materials?, by Mr Gardom
Science 29th September 2021 LO: Can I identify and compare the suitability of materials for different uses?, by Mr Gardom
Science. 3rd November 2021. LO: Can I identify and compare the suitability of materials for different purposes?, by Miss Timms
RE. 1st October 2021. LO: Can I create my own stained glass window using Christian symbols?, by Miss Timms
MIND day. 8th October 2021., by Miss Timms
Maths. 19th October 2021. LO: Can I solve word problems that involve addition and subtraction?, by Miss Timms
Literacy. 16th October 2021. LO: Can I create a role on the wall for the giant's feelings?, by Miss Timms
Maths Floorbook 1/11/21, by Mrs Doran
Maths Floorbook 22/10/21, by Mrs Doran
DT Floorbook 21/10/21, by Mrs Doran
French Floorbook 14/10/21, by Mrs Doran
PSHE Floorbook 15/10/21, by Mrs Doran
RE Floorbook 12/10/21, by Mrs Doran
Learn and Explore - w/b 04.10.21, by Ms Taylor
Games - changing direction, by Ms Taylor
Maths - ordering numbers to 10, by Ms Taylor
Music - creating a piece of music, by Ms Taylor
RE lesson, by Mrs Mackenzie